Tips For Better Sleep

Why You Shouldn’t Forget To Wash Your Bed Sheets

October 1, 2021   By Ecosa Dream Writers

Full disclosure. When was the last time you washed or changed your sheets? Or your pillowcases for that matter? Can’t remember? Don’t worry, we understand.

Majority of people believe that washing your sheets every 1-2 weeks is good. For others, especially those suffering from asthma, fresh sheets are needed more frequently. In short, there’s no standard answer for everyone.

How damn good does it feel to sleep in fresh sheets? You don’t have to worry about dirt and other icky stuff when you regularly throw your sheets in the wash, plus you get that fresh clean feel more often!

Another reason to keep your sheets clean is to protect your health, especially your skin. Sleeping not only rests the body but also the skin.

We’ve already told you how often you should wash your sheets before, so keep reading to learn why you should be washing your sheets so frequently. Warning, it’s going to get a bit gross!

Another one’s bit by mites

If you want a reason to change and wash sheets regularly, how about something that you can’t see, but might feel and give you the shivers?

Dust mites are quite simply, annoying little critters. Hard to find thanks to their minuscule size, these buggers are known to bite people in their sleep, and are particularly dangerous to children with asthma who might inhale their particles.

Dust mites are drawn to beds filled with dead skin cells and the like, so changing your sheets every few days will prevent them from making your sleeping area their home.

Unlike bed bugs, which are equally icky but easier to see as they are larger, dust mites often camp in the nooks and crannies of beds and mattresses, making removal a chore.

To minimise the risks of these two and creepy crawlies like them, good housekeeping is the key. Regularly cleaning and dusting your rooms and furniture are ways to prevent this. For your bed, a clean set of sheets after a few days will do wonders.

When cleaning sheets in the washing machine, select the hottest water setting available, ideally 60°C. Anything colder and the dust mites may still survive the wash, causing you irritation even if you think everything is clean and fresh.

Sleeping on a mattress with a waterproof cover or mattress protector are also great ways to help keep your bed clean, but make sure you’re washing these semi-frequently as well.

Prevents allergen buildup

Changing and washing sheets and other bed linen aren’t only meant to keep your body clean. They’re also to keep your lungs and airways free from allergens.

These minuscule particles come from varied sources. Pet dander and faecal matter account for most while others come from plants or flowers you might have around the house. Regardless of the source, the outcome is pretty much the same.

If you’re constantly experiencing a runny nose and difficulty in breathing, chances are it could be your sheets. Loss of quality sleep is the least of your worries as allergic reactions are very possible.

While they may be adorable and cozy cuddle buddies, resist the urge to have your dogs or cats as sleeping partners to avoid dander accumulation and allergy attacks. Proper grooming to prevent shedding is also important.

By regularly changing and washing your sheets, you remove most of the accumulated allergens that you would otherwise end up inhaling while sleeping.

Allergies and even asthma are known to affect kids more than they do adults, so protecting your young one or ones is vital. Ensuring that they regularly have fresh sheets washed in hot water provides good and preemptive protection.

If you or anyone in your household is suffering from allergies or asthma, it’s advisable to change your sheets every few days to avoid attacks.

Fresh sheets, fresher skin

Every day, whether we see it or not, our body sheds dead skin cells. That’s not a bad thing, but it’s definitely why showering before sleep is recommended.

Aside from skin cells that quit a long time ago, our bodies also regularly release oils and other substances that, when allowed to build up on our sheets, may lead to breakouts and aggravate existing skin conditions, such as eczema.

As mentioned, showering before sleeping helps in reducing the amount of flaking and bodily oils that find their way to your sheets. Applying lotion before going to bed is also one way of minimising the amount of oil that comes into contact with your pillows and mattress.

Hair fall and other kinds of flaking, although natural, can accumulate on your sheets and can cause skin problems down the line.

Simply put, these are things you shouldn’t literally be sleeping on.

One way to address buildups like these is by changing dirty sheets like clockwork. By substituting them regularly, excess bodily oils and dead skin cells have nowhere to accumulate on.

For starters, washing once a week or biweekly is a good start, plus keep a roster of fresh sheets ready for changing.

Shaking them off from your sheets and pillowcases before sleeping is also a good way to protect your skin from irritants.

Clean sheets, better sleep

Like fresh air, clean sheets are an underrated way to relax. Whether you’re in the mood to just snuggle with a good book in hand while the rain falls or looking to sleep off a long day, fresh sheets are like warm hugs.

So it’s a surprise that a lot of people often neglect changing or washing them. Not only are you waiving off better sleep, you’re also putting yourself at risk.

Do you really need anymore reasons to wash your sheets more frequently? You deserve to sleep in a clean bed! Buy some extra sheet sets to make your life easier and wash the damn sheets.

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Sleep Tips for Busy Students

September 24, 2021   By Ecosa Dream Writers